~To acquire knowledge, one must study.. but to acquire WISDOM one must observe..~
(Quotes from Marilyn vos Savant)

Saturday 26 April 2014

GSB Open Day

Subhanallah.. Alhamdulillah.. Allahuakbar..

Almost end of April.. Welcome May.. Time sure flies fast.. huhu (T_T)

Just a simple and short entry.. If any of you guys are interested to have further details and would like to pursue your MBA at USM.. there will be GSB (Graduate School of Business) Open Day at USM on 3 May 2014.. Do come.. (^_^) Online Application for September Intake 2014 is opened now until 8 Jun 2014 at http://www.ips.usm.my/ for all coursework and mixed mode courses..

Btw.. for next intake, they won't offer MBA-IB course anymore.. We are the last batch.. Gambatte..

This is map to GSB from Sungai Dua Gate, nearby USM Mosque.. After entering the gate and drive straight, turn right.. Drive straight until first roundabout, take twelve o'clock and you'll be at second roundabout.. Turn to three o'clock and drive onto the hill.. GSB is at the last building at your right hand side before going down the hill.. Hope it's a clear direction.. haha.. 

If you are from Bukit Gambir Gate, nearby USM Outside Hostels - Restu Saujana Tekun.. You can drive straight until you arrive at Y-junction.. Turn right and drive a little bit more and take on your left side.. then just go straight as shown in the map by blue arrows follow by the red arrows..

Just in case you are from mainland and you are entering the gate at Bukit Gelugor area, just drive on to the hill and moving along you'll see USM swimming pool on your left.. Drive until you'll be at the roundabout and just take your turn at your left - nine o'clock.. onto the hill, and you'll find GSB as noted in the map..

Hope you'll find it! 

1 comment:

  1. My apologies... the talk will be at Eureka.. just opposite USM Mosque.. but if you are wondering where the GSB is, you can follow the map given.. (^_^)
