Wahh... It is now mid-year 2021.. in a few days it will be July, which I'm supposed to complete my thesis write-up.
In shaa Allah.. pesanan daripada seorang sahabat:
Alhamdulillah.. Hari ini berpagi-pagian dengan niat untuk menyiapkan soalan untuk kelas tuisyen addmath. Siap masak spiral pasta, makan bersama housemates, did my laundary and a bit of house cleaning.
Just for a kickstart, menjenguk sebentar di ruangan ini untuk update My World of Wisdom. Sebagai rujukan waktu akan datang bahawasanya satu keputusan telah dibuat. Semoga bakal mencipta sejarah hidup #nazmyzaki.
Since last week, I have been re-reading one of my favourite books which is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. Buku yang dimiliki sejak tahun 2012, setelah pertama kali diperkenalkan dan disebut-sebut waktu degree dahulu oleh salah seorang my favourite lecturer, Pak Tuan. The book teaches me a lot about the rat race, the cash flow quadrant, and what's not.
Yup, the decision made this time is related to what happened back in 2012, which was me as a financial consultant or to be more specific a unit trust consultant and takaful agent.
Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir. Rabbi tammim bilkhair.