~To acquire knowledge, one must study.. but to acquire WISDOM one must observe..~
(Quotes from Marilyn vos Savant)

Monday 22 July 2013

For Real? Yes, it is! (Part 2)

Hurm.. just talked to one of my BFFTJ this morning.. Got both good and bad news..
<BFFTJ : BestFriendForeverTillJannah>

Sorry, nama terpaksa dirahsiakan her identity cannot be revealed for the moment.. She messaged me to seek some opinion.. Then we talked over phone.. She told me that she had called her lecturer from her previous university for research assistant position. Instead, she got offered to further PHD study. So lucky and fortunate.. (May Allah bless her always..)

So.. what's the matter?
Another reality of life..

We always desire something in life.. We wish to pursue our dream.. We want to buy all thing as many as we wish.. We want to enjoy eating and treasuring food, etc.. Just say it.. Just name it.. We want anything, everything if possible.. Yes, IF POSSIBLE..

However, the reality is that in our community, only few of us are considered as millionaire nor do we have infinity flowing cash.. (will be one day in shaa Allah, Amin ya Rabbal Alamin..) Thus, we stuck in the middle of the road.. Alhough we can see few paths and junctions ahead, the vision is blur and cloudy.. That's what usually happened..

Same with my friend.. She wants to grab this golden opportunity.. (Surely, once in a blue moon chance..) but, she need to think twice many times before she say this simple word - YES. Why? Money matter..

She is the third born in her family and she has more than 5 younger siblings who still in their schooling period. Both of her sisters were already married and yes, they are no longer obligated to support this big family anymore.. Her parent is a secondary school teacher.. In fact, teaching at the same school with Abah - my father.. Thus, I some sort of understand the situation she's now facing..

According to Pareto Principle - Law of Vital Few.. It is a common rule of thumb in business that 80% of profits come from 20% of clients.. In production line, 80% of sales come from 20% of product. While in real life, this principle is very practical..

'80% of the world's income is controlled 
by the richest 20% of total world's population..'

In other words, 80% of us (may be more than that) are considered as middle class only and yes, we are poor. Ever heard of 'rat race' term? Most of us, even my family is living in this rat race track.. We work 9 to 5.. We wait for the monthly paycheck then we spend almost all of it and by the end of next month, we already broke.. Then it's coming back to the routine: working 9 - 5, waiting for the next paycheck, spend and broke..

Even worst, most of us use other people working money - parents, families, friends, etc. (I also did this).. Borrowing here and there, always being indebted to someone.. It's a fact and a R.E.A.L.I.T.Y. Prove it if I was wrong.. If not, how can the 'ARLONG GANG' operate their business successfully? One more proven fact, according to Malaysian Department of Insolvency, 243 823 cases of bankruptcy were registered between 2005-2012. Statistics further reveal that

51% of bankrupts in Malaysia are people below age 45!

Fearsome is it. That's the declared bankruptcy cases. What about the unemployment rate? There is 439.4 thousand of people are unemployed by May 2013. There's so much to be done.. and since I cannot change others, I'm changing myself first..

[To be continued in Part 3]

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