~To acquire knowledge, one must study.. but to acquire WISDOM one must observe..~
(Quotes from Marilyn vos Savant)

Friday 3 October 2014

Beautiful Worldly Life


How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We've all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay..

This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s just a bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever

So many years, quickly slipping by 
Like the Sleepers of the cave (Al Kahfi)
Wake up and make a choice
Before we end up in our grave...(oh God)
You didn’t put me here in vain
I know I’ll be held accountable for what I do
This life is just a journey
And it’s taking me back to You
So many get caught in this beautiful web
Its gardens become an infatuation
But surely they’ll understand at the final stop
That its gardens are meant for cultivation

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakbar..

Today.. October 3, 2014.. "Selamat Ulangtahun buat diriku yang ke-26.." Thank you Allah for giving me this chance to still be a part of this wordly life.. Chance to be a better me.. chance to fulfill my obligation as Muslim.. Moga diriku menjadi muslimah yang beriman dan beramal soleh.. "Ya Allah.. Engkau telah ciptakan aku dengan nikmat Islam dan Iman, Kekalkan aku dalam Islam dan Iman serta Matikan aku jua dalam Islam dan Iman.." Amin ya rabbal 'alamin..

Today is a very special day.. In Muslim calendar, today is 9 Zulhijjah 1435H, the Wukuf Day for those who are currently in their pilgrimage of life.. dutifully and sincerely performing their Hajj and Umrah as a servant of Allah at Makkah Al-Mukaramah.. Today is also a Friday.. Jumaat, penghulu segala hari.. Hari rahmat dan berkat.. Ya Allah.. perkenankan doa hamba-Mu yang hina dan fakir ini..

"Ya Allah.. 
Engkau hadiahkanlah kesihatan yang baik bagi kedua orang tuaku.. 
Sembuhkanlah penyakit mereka.. Hilangkanlah dukacita mereka.."

"Ya Allah..
Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu..
Percepatkanlah urusan jodohku andai hal itu baik bagiku dan agamaku.."

"Ya Allah..
Kurniakanlah kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat 
buat semua kaum keluargaku, sanak saudaraku, sahabat kenalanku
serta seluruh muslimin dan muslimat.."

"Ya Allah..
Janganlah Engkau matikan kami dalam keadaan kami leka dan alfa..
Ampunilah dosa-dosa kami..
Bimbinglah kami ke jalan yang lurus lagi diredhai.."

~This beautiful worldly life has an end.. hopefully, a year older a year wiser..~

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