~To acquire knowledge, one must study.. but to acquire WISDOM one must observe..~
(Quotes from Marilyn vos Savant)

Saturday, 20 December 2014

Counting Days.. Welcome A New Me!

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakbar..

#sebarkan bahagia #spreading the happyness..

Thank You Allah.. I'm blessed to be here.. Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta, Indonesia.. just answered my last paper two days ago.. and now.. i'm officially finished my student exchange programme as required by Graduate School of Business, Universiti Sains Malaysia.. Exploring other country is really adding value to my world of wisdom.. even Indonesia and Malaysia is sharing almost similar culture, it's totally not same.. Allah The Greatest does mention in the Noble Quran that He creates people of different genders, different nation and tribes so that we could know each other.. Nevertheless, Allah does not care of those difference except people who most deeply conscious of Him..

 #Astaghfirullahal'Azim.. Hopefully, I'm capable to be one of them.. Amin..

At the moment.. counting the days to go back to Malaysia.. "hujan emas di negeri orang, hujan batu di negeri sendiri.. masih kupilih negeri sendiri.." Too many big things and even tiny little things that make me want to go back to Malaysia.. if possible, in split second.. huhu.. but there's still one final project I need to accomplish before going back.. my AGW 625 International Project Management.. fuhh.. still in the writing process.. Allah ease all.. Amin.. In shaa Allah.. will finish completing the first part by these ten days.. (-_-) amin amin.. Rabbi yassir wa la tu'assir, rabbi tamim bil khair.. 

Can't wait to proceed other projects.. 1/1/2015 will be the day I'll arrive in Malaysia.. in shaa Allah.. it will also be the day I'm turning over to new leaf.. be a 'new' me of 'same-previous' person.. Ya Allah.. perkenankan doaku dan permudahkan urusanku.. Amin.. to those who are reading this, do pray for me to be firm and adhere to my choice to change into a 'new' me.. 

Some people might say that, what is inside is more important than the outside.. in other words, they see what matter is only faith and believe (iman), the way you dress and express yourself is not much matter.. If we want to change, change from the inside, increase the knowledge and upgrade our iman.. then, we can bring it outside.. To change should not be too drastic.. That's what they say.. There's no right or wrong.. Because I am in the same opinion with Prof Dr Muhaya.. Her tagline in one of the TV program is always "Dunia dalaman kita menentukan dunia luaran kita"..

But.. on the other hand.. I also believe that external factors do play a very important role in order to ensure our steadfastness as well as influencing our resolution to be a better person.. with respect to expressing one self through clothes, I believe that the outside can be the mould or the matrix for defense purpose.. that is to say.. we can be better person when we change our sense of fashion into a more Islamic-approved one.. because it will help to prevent us from doing immoral things.. hence it will be a great reminder to think and act as a noble Muslimah.. so that we can deliver the message of Islam is the way of life.. amin.. in shaa Allah.. it's just  a reciprocal relationship.. outside-inside and inside-outside..

May year 2015 bring the best in me as the starting point to accomplish my mission of life; to be a great, successful muslimah mukminah wal solehah fil dunia wal akhirah.. amin.. in shaa Allah.. re-quote from Zig Ziglar as one of the strengths source ..

In shaa Allah.. #StartNow

Several things to be accomplished in 2015.. Hadiah Along.. English is Fun Module.. Travelogue Jogja.. MBA-IB.. and so on.. so welcome 2015.. good bye 2014.. May Allah ease everything.. mungkin bah besar akhir 2014 bakal digantikan Allah dengan rezeki melimpah ruah di tahun 2015.. amin..

This might be the last entry for 2014... 
Year 2014 is a year full of wisdom and thoughtfulness.. 
Kullu 'am wa nahnu bilkhair.. in shaa Allah.. 

bye UGM.. going back to USM soon.. (^_^)

Monday, 6 October 2014

Contengan Jalanan ~Hlovate~ Part I

Subhanallah.. Alhamdulillah.. Allahuakbar..

Finish reading this book weeks before.. and I do fall in love with Hlovate.. Cherish the time reading those beautiful words by words, phrases by phrases and stanzas by stanzas in Contengan Jalanan by Hlovate.. It's really a life treasure.. why did not I find this book earlier? huhu..

Thank You so much Huda Afiqah Hashim for this special-in-advance besdey gift.. (^_^) suka sangat..

Contengan Jalanan by Hlovate is very unique and heartwarming for me.. Divided by two parts, both ended in the middle.. part I is a story from FEND perspective and part II is a narration from K'Square side views.. FEND and K'Square are actually named after the characters in the book; Afendy and Ku Kamaruzzaman..

This book shared a beautiful friendship story between Fend, K'square, their family and friends in the journey of finding the right pathway.. searching for the answer of what is the purpose of life, why are we here and what is the real sense of completeness..

The other supporting characters that spice up and contribute most in the journey are Lia and Chad.. Part I.. Fend met Lia at Asian X-Games.. (p/s: there's no cintan-cintun part as mostly have in Malay novels okay..) Lia.. Asbab perubahan; agent of change as described in Organizational Behaviour subject.. There is no such thing like coincidence.. It is.. as fated, Fend met Lia once again.. Though it just a short, unexpected meeting while waiting for the bus.. It puzzled him.. Lia left him with intriguing quotes and a CD.. "The Eleventh Hour"

"The man that decided to change on the 12th hour dies on the 11th" ~ Lia

and.. there.. that's where the whole story begins.. Interpret the meaning of above quotes in your own words.. including these questions.. What does it mean to have a happy life..? when everything is complete? then.. define completeness.. That are the questions to ponder from Chad to Fend.. In conclusion.. "There is always something missing inside.." Thus.. Chad asked Fend to follow him backpacking to Sydney, Australia; 

"Jom. Bersedia? ... Cari erti hidup" ~ Chad

Fend.. "Vita.. What marks life for you? Is it the Armani suit and shoes? Or simply the scent of morning dew? Is the the beachfront villa all brand-new? Or simply the flash of sunset's glory hues? Apa erti hidup sebenarnya? Cukup ke sebenarnya kalau hidup itu sekadar diertikan dengan muzik dan warna-warna? Sesuatu yang buat jiwa rasa tenang.. sesuatu yang buat hati rasa happy..? Aah.. sudah.. tak payah fikir dah.."

"Masalah takkan selesai dengan hanya main falsafah.." ~ nota kaki Hlovate

Masjid-hopping, Australia.. Limitless lessons learned plus many things happened.. Tears flowing while reading these parts.. We are too much in our so called comfort zone.. Like the lyrics in Counting Stars by One Republic.. Feeling something so right doing the wrong thing and feeling something so wrong doing the right thing.. *sigh.. hopefully, me too.. have the chance to do this masjid-hopping, backpacking.. living with nature.. belajar dari peng'alam'an..

Every living things die.. every soul face death.. just slightly different of death cause, place and time.. Did the man that decided to change on the 12th hour die on the 11th? May we are given the chance to change by tenth.. Fend and Chad..

"Aku teringin nak masuk syurga.."
"Siapa yang tak nak?"
"Kalau kau masuk dulu, tarik aku sama?"   

(T_T) huhu.. End of story part I.. Contengan Jalanan by Hlovate.. "Ini hanya sekadar contengan perasaan, contengan pengalaman yang mungkin buat kamu bosan.. Tiada plot, tiada seni.. Bukan untuk mereka yang tak mengerti.. Ini; memori manusia-manusia itu.. Ini; hantu masa lalu.."

Alhamdulillah.. Thank you so much Hlovate for a really inspiring novel.. May Allah bless you always.. May your writing increase your scale of 'Amal in the world hereafter.. May Allah grant me the share also.. Dear my beloved friends, do grab me in your journey to Jannah.. Ya Allah.. Ampuni dosa-dosa kami dan kekalkan dalam agama-Mu.. Ya Allah.. Berikanlah kefahaman yang sebenarnya dan kuatkan pegangan kami.. Kurniakanlah kami hidayah-Mu.. Amin ya Rabbal 'Alamin..

Fend.. Meaning of life.. Life is not only defined by musical notes and colours.. Life is not only meant for wealth accumulation and profession.. Life is not only a pursuit of ambition.. Living a happy, blissful life is not only with smiles or cheers of laughter.. Life is..

"Living here for the hereafter.." ~ Fend

The Eleventh Hour by Sami Haque.. 

Friday, 3 October 2014

Beautiful Worldly Life


How beautiful, is this worldly life
But not a soul shall remain
We've all come into this world
Only to leave it one day
I can see that everything around me
Rises then fades away
Life is just a passing moment
Nothing is meant to stay..

This worldly life has an end
And it’s then real life begins
A world where we will live forever
This beautiful worldly life has an end
It’s just a bridge that must be crossed
To a life that will go on forever

So many years, quickly slipping by 
Like the Sleepers of the cave (Al Kahfi)
Wake up and make a choice
Before we end up in our grave...(oh God)
You didn’t put me here in vain
I know I’ll be held accountable for what I do
This life is just a journey
And it’s taking me back to You
So many get caught in this beautiful web
Its gardens become an infatuation
But surely they’ll understand at the final stop
That its gardens are meant for cultivation

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakbar..

Today.. October 3, 2014.. "Selamat Ulangtahun buat diriku yang ke-26.." Thank you Allah for giving me this chance to still be a part of this wordly life.. Chance to be a better me.. chance to fulfill my obligation as Muslim.. Moga diriku menjadi muslimah yang beriman dan beramal soleh.. "Ya Allah.. Engkau telah ciptakan aku dengan nikmat Islam dan Iman, Kekalkan aku dalam Islam dan Iman serta Matikan aku jua dalam Islam dan Iman.." Amin ya rabbal 'alamin..

Today is a very special day.. In Muslim calendar, today is 9 Zulhijjah 1435H, the Wukuf Day for those who are currently in their pilgrimage of life.. dutifully and sincerely performing their Hajj and Umrah as a servant of Allah at Makkah Al-Mukaramah.. Today is also a Friday.. Jumaat, penghulu segala hari.. Hari rahmat dan berkat.. Ya Allah.. perkenankan doa hamba-Mu yang hina dan fakir ini..

"Ya Allah.. 
Engkau hadiahkanlah kesihatan yang baik bagi kedua orang tuaku.. 
Sembuhkanlah penyakit mereka.. Hilangkanlah dukacita mereka.."

"Ya Allah..
Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui segala sesuatu..
Percepatkanlah urusan jodohku andai hal itu baik bagiku dan agamaku.."

"Ya Allah..
Kurniakanlah kejayaan di dunia dan akhirat 
buat semua kaum keluargaku, sanak saudaraku, sahabat kenalanku
serta seluruh muslimin dan muslimat.."

"Ya Allah..
Janganlah Engkau matikan kami dalam keadaan kami leka dan alfa..
Ampunilah dosa-dosa kami..
Bimbinglah kami ke jalan yang lurus lagi diredhai.."

~This beautiful worldly life has an end.. hopefully, a year older a year wiser..~

Monday, 29 September 2014

MBA (International Business) Part III

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakbar..

Just few hours before, I have updated my latest status.. Being an exchange student Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta, Indonesia.. for this student exchange programme, we are required to enroll in at least two subjects - a minimum of six credit hours..

Both are free of charge at the moment.. but when we finish our exchange programme, we have to transfer those credits and pay the equivalent price to Bursary Unit, Universiti Sains Malaysia on next semester..

For this semester; current exchange programme.. I am taking two subjects which are
  • Business Ethics by Ibu Dewi Haryani Susilastuti.. 
  • System and Information Technology by Bpk. Jogiyanto Hartono 
In other words, I only have to attend two classes per week which fall on Wednesday and Thursday evening.. What else I'm doing here? Eating, sleeping, anime-ing.. (^_^)

Well.. actually, there is one most crucial part for this exchange programme.. we have to accomplish a case study or quantitative research.. which is my third registered subject for this semester.. so called
  • International Business Project (5 credit hours)
Sad to say, the progress is still less than 10%.. (T_T) haha.. but in shaa Allah.. not going to just loading and buffering from now on.. work in progress soon..

ermm.. Just so you know, few days back.. I received an email from Malaysia Golden Key International Honour Society.. since I did not know anything about it, at first I thought it was a spam.. huhu from googling the website.. I found out.. one of the most shocking news in my life ever.. Alhamdulillah.. never think about having an international recognition membership award for my last semester result.. Alhamdulillah.. Thank you Allah.. hadiah untuk kedua ibu bapaku.. 

Inserting my result above does not mean that I want to show-off.. but I really want to inspire my siblings and all my virtual friends.. in shaa Allah.. we can achieve everything that mind can perceive.. the only limit is our own desire and passion towards it.. Believe in yourself and work on your dream to be true.. I love Pursuit of Happyness movie.. here are the best quotes from Will Smith to his son, Jaden Smith in that truly inspiring movie.. 

Thank You Allah for this great moment.. 

to my beloved readers.. May all your wishes come true... xoxo..

Updating Status

Subhanallah.. Alhamdulillah.. Allahuakbar..

Down Memory Lane.. Aidilfitri 2014.. Setelah lama tidak berkarya.. huhu

kasihan MyWorld of Wisdom.. a little bit dull already.. It's not like there's nothing to write and share, but time sure flies fast and yaa.. most likely I'm not really forcing myself to keep writing and completing even an entry.. that's why, everything goes to the draft and not being published.. (T_T)

Therefore, this entry might not be a short one.. coz I need to cover up my previous chapter of life that is not included yet in My WOW.. hee =)  how shall I start then? throwback kisah raya aidilfitri yang lalu bersempena kedatangan Aidiladha October ini? or updating my latest status? Maybe a little bit here and there.. un-synchronized diary version.. 

First and foremost.. Alhamdulillah.. I had accomplished one item from My Bucket List.. Traveling far from home country and having traveling album.. hoho although not that far, but yes.. I am now not in Malaysia but in Jogjakarta, Indonesia.. our neighbouring country.. Travelogue Jogja is in the process, hoping to publish the very first entry soon.. Why I'm here? as a partial graduation requirement for MBA-IB USM, we need to undergo a student exchange programme.. Alhamdulillah here I am.. 

In the beginning, my friend, K. Suliza and I had chosen University of Western Australia.. We had already received the email for the candidate's confirmation.. due to some reasons, we could not able to go there.. The very first choice turned up to be at Master of Management Faculty, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogjakarta. Everything happens for a reason.. "Tidak Allah jadikan sesuatu itu sia-sia.."

Being at Indonesia, the weather and culture are not really different.. The most important thing is I am near to Malaysia, just an hour difference from local time and almost three hours flight to KLIA.. Being near to hometown means near to my parents and family.. Allahu Ya Syafi.. Kurniakan kesihatan yang baik bagi kedua ibu bapaku, kurangkan bebanan mereka dan sembuhkanlah penyakit mereka.. huhu both are not really in good health condition..

Two days before, my mother has been warded due to her asthma problem and not yet discharged from the hospital at the moment.. My father will undergo his first chemotherapy session on 13 October 2014.. He had been diagnosed to have an earbone cancer (if i'm not mistaken).. The doctor said that it is a rare case and supposedly my father should be operated.. Allahdulillah, chemotherapy might be better option than operation.. Allahu Ya Syafi.. Engkaulah Maha Penyembuh, Sembuhkanlah penyakit kedua orang tuaku.. amin.. (T_T)

I'm not at home and I really can't help with anything.. Wish to be there.. huhu.. Ma, Abah.. restui perjalanan ini dan doakan kejayaan buat anakmu.. Thank You Allah for giving me them as the most irreplaceable gifts I ever had..

huhu have many things to write and share.. unfortunately, time is always a jealousy.. Need to meet my lecturer, asking for class excuse on 13 October.. will be back to Malaysia for supporting my family.. The most difficult time for all of us.. Ya Allah.. Allahu Yassir Wa La Tu'assir..  

Saturday, 26 April 2014

GSB Open Day

Subhanallah.. Alhamdulillah.. Allahuakbar..

Almost end of April.. Welcome May.. Time sure flies fast.. huhu (T_T)

Just a simple and short entry.. If any of you guys are interested to have further details and would like to pursue your MBA at USM.. there will be GSB (Graduate School of Business) Open Day at USM on 3 May 2014.. Do come.. (^_^) Online Application for September Intake 2014 is opened now until 8 Jun 2014 at http://www.ips.usm.my/ for all coursework and mixed mode courses..

Btw.. for next intake, they won't offer MBA-IB course anymore.. We are the last batch.. Gambatte..

This is map to GSB from Sungai Dua Gate, nearby USM Mosque.. After entering the gate and drive straight, turn right.. Drive straight until first roundabout, take twelve o'clock and you'll be at second roundabout.. Turn to three o'clock and drive onto the hill.. GSB is at the last building at your right hand side before going down the hill.. Hope it's a clear direction.. haha.. 

If you are from Bukit Gambir Gate, nearby USM Outside Hostels - Restu Saujana Tekun.. You can drive straight until you arrive at Y-junction.. Turn right and drive a little bit more and take on your left side.. then just go straight as shown in the map by blue arrows follow by the red arrows..

Just in case you are from mainland and you are entering the gate at Bukit Gelugor area, just drive on to the hill and moving along you'll see USM swimming pool on your left.. Drive until you'll be at the roundabout and just take your turn at your left - nine o'clock.. onto the hill, and you'll find GSB as noted in the map..

Hope you'll find it! 

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Escape The Adventures

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakhbar..

It's Saturday and it's a mid semester break.. *Like (^_^).. Before going back to Terengganu, here is the new entry for my journey of life.. My World of Wisdom.. "Escape The Adventures"..
(kind of a long entry..he)

At the moment of writing this.. *Sigh (T_T) huhuhu.. what a night.. being locked out from the room after not-so-difficult-but-cannot-really-answer midterm test.. haha left my key inside the room and my room mate was not in USM.. Luckily, our penggawa (warden?) helped.. Thank You So Much.. Thumbs up.. Very fast..

Back to subject's entry.. ESCAPE THE ADVENTURES..

Last weekend, my friends and I went to Escape at Teluk Bahang, Penang.. We enjoyed being there since morning till evening.. Superb.. Great!!! For me who are always polite and graceful.. haha most said so.. it was truly amazing to challenge myself.. May Allah bless me and my friends with good health and strong-will.. Amin..

Journey to Escape.. We traveled from USM at around 8:30 am in the morning and arrived there around one hour later.. The road is pretty much like a sinusoidal graph; Balik Pulau area.. huhu Alhamdulillah.. thank you Allah for the great moment.. I did not have motion sickness like I usually had.. Just for a quick review for you guys.. what is Escape and where is it.. here's a collage..

There are lot of adventures activities.. We challenge ourselves for Monkey Business, Atan's Leap, Tarzan's Rope, Flying Lemur and Tubby Racer.. Fuhhh.. Please keep a good stamina.. We went there unprepared and we (erk.. maybe just me) were really lack of fitness exercise.. We wore out easily.. Actually, there are three levels at Monkey Business but we only partially finished level two.. huhuhu..


After a short break with refreshing coconut drinks, we went to Atan's Leap.. It was a FEAR FACTOR.. huhuhu.. since ages, I was ninety nine point nine nine percent will not doing any bungee jumping game.. hard to believe, I was able to jump from Atan's Leap 20 meter above ground level just like that.. How did I feel? Seriously, it was mind blocking.. hahaha mental block.. it kind of feeling like your heart beat stopped for a second or two.. huhuhu.. (T_T) just thinking, what if something happens..? It is a suicide? Nauzubillah.. Don't know whether I able to do it again in future.. *shacking knees..

Then, we went to Tarzan's Rope.. hahaha me not trying this game.. Just watching my friends.. After quite a distance of hiking, we arrived at Flying Lemur's terminal.. (sounds like we were somewhere in airport).. It was my first time ever to do this extreme sport.. Flying Lemur or as known as flying fox.. 160 m across the jungle.. Subhanallah.. It is a breathtaking aerial view.. but it was only a blink of an eye for me to enjoy the scenery since I hardly opened my eyes while flying.. too much fear.. huhu...

Lastly, we went to Tubby Racer.. hahaha also closing my eyes while going down the trail.. very scary for me.. End of the exhilarating day.. Will visit again soon to challenge all not-yet-experienced adventures.. They said the Water Escape is in progress.. cannot wait to try the water confidence.. (^_^)

Till next entry.. Here are the special little gifts for you girls..
Thanks a lot Kak Ulfah, Asiyah, Syaqinah and Yulinda..

"ROAR.. I used to bite my tongue and hold my breath.. Scared to rock the boat and make a mess.. so I sat quietly, agreed politely.. I guess that I forgot I had a choice.." It is GIRLS POWER..

"Like a butterfly.. gracefully but freely fly.."

Saturday, 8 March 2014

A true story #sejarahberulang#

Masih ingat lagi waktu itu..
Sedih.. Benci.. Menyampah..
Semua ada.. Bercampur-baur..
Padahal umurku baru setahun jagung..
Ya.. waktu itu diriku hanyalah murid darjah empat..
Di sebuah sekolah kebangsaan..

Tahun 1998..
Enam belas tahun telah ditinggalkan..
Waktu itu..
Diriku baru bertatih mengenal apakah itu sains..?
Baru merangkak mencipta kenangan demi kenangan..
Namun.. ada sesuatu..
Yang paling tidak dapat dilupakan..
Sesuatu yang pahit dan amat memualkan..
Membentuk transformasi minda..
Oleh satu perkataan.. "Politik"

#Seriously..this is a true story..#

Sejak itu tertanam satu persepsi..
Yang mana sehingga kini masih menghantui..
Dan semalam..
Sejarah yang sama telah berulang..

Selagi mana manusia bercita-cita dunia menguasai..
Perkara yang sama dan hampir serupa..
Pasti akan berlaku dan terus berlaku lagi..
Mahkamah dunia sekadar menghukum..
Berhujahkan nafsu dan kecetekan akal..

Teruslah menzalimi kami dan diri kalian sendiri..
Moga terbit lagi warkah dari penjara..
Cetakan emas dan permata berharga..
Untuk tatapan anak-anak warisan..
Sesungguhnya dunia ini hanya sementara..
Janji Allah pastikan tiba jua..

Waktu itu..
Sejarah pasti berulang...
Zaman kegemilangan Islam..
Zaman khilafah memegang tampuk pemerintahan..
Zaman hukum Allah dijadikan paksi kebenaran..
Zaman Al Quran dan As Sunnah sebagai dasar kerajaan..

In Shaa Allah..
Andai saat itu tiba..
Engkau teruskan perjuangan itu wahai bakal anak-anakku..
Mungkin ibumu ni telah tiada..
Waktu itu..
Doakan moga kita berkumpul di satu daerah yang sama..
Di negeri Akhirat yang kekal abadi..
Di bawah panji kebesaran Islam..
Di belakang Imam kami.. Nabi Muhammad Saw..

Diri kami banyak kekhilafan dan kesilapan..
Terlampau hina dan kekurangan..
Ampuni dosa-dosa kami ya Allah..
Tempatkan kami dan ibu bapa kami
Serta mereka yang beriman di jalan-Mu..
Bersama-sama golongan yang diredhai dan dicintai oleh-Mu dan kekasih-Mu..

Amin ya Rabbal Alamin..

Nazmy Zaki 08032014

Am I saying something wrong? 
Just sharing my thought of my beloved country.. It's sickening..

Tidak Allah jadikan sesuatu itu sia-sia..
Everthing happens for a reason

Friday, 7 March 2014

Blood Type B Personality

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakhbar..

Just few days ago went for blood donation drive organized by Graduate School of Business, USM..

It was my third time already. This time.. 450ml.. (^_^) proud of it ! Well done self..

I am a blood type B person.. and they say type B personality are..?

'TYPE B' (Source: OpenZine)

Blood Type B's often described themselves in ways related to the following characteristics: 
subjective, easygoing, creative, original and flexible. 

In another study, Type B's scored significantly higher on "intuiting," indicating a preference or sixth sense information; and they scored high on the "intuiting/feeling" combination, indicating that they tend to be insightful, mystical, idealistic, creative, globally-oriented, people-oriented and good at imagining. 

They also reported that they learned best through listening, then reflecting on and interpreting what they had observed. Perhaps the nomadic life of the steppes contributed to long hours given over to talk as well as ample time for meditation and reflection. 

Type B's can be very goal-oriented and often complete the ambitious tasks set before them. Outgoing and very charming, you’re good at reading people and providing support. Though critical of appearance (but not your own), you aren’t picky and are unlikely to dwell over the little things. 

Type Bs are impulsive individualists who often create their own path in life. You are very strong and optimistic. B is most compatible with B and AB lovers. 

Blood type B individuals tend to be balanced: thoughtful like A's and yet ambitious like O's. They are empathetic, easily understanding others' points of view, yet often hesitating to challenge or confront. Chameleon-like and flexible, they make good friends. 

Common career choices: cook, hairdresser, military leader, talk show host, and journalist. 

(Source: BeyondHallyu)

Blood type Bs are said to enjoy life and are passionate, wild and active. They can be creative and optimistic and have a ‘let’s go’ attitude. They love animals and are passionate about the people and things that they hold dear. They can have an individual and independent nature and don’t care about what others think of them. They can laugh in failure’s face and have a bright and liberal way of living – however this can cause them to have enemies. They can be impatient and can give up easily. They have often been described as shallow and lazy, self-centred and irresponsible. Men with blood type B aren’t considered good ‘husband material’ as they can be ‘bad boys’ and ‘players’. This makes them desirable to women but only for the short term. Women with blood type B do not share this attribute. Those with blood type B are said to have a strong immune system and do well with dairy.

Extra Readings:
  • Eat right for your type (Source: Dadamo)
  • Your blood types determines your personality (Source: WakingTimes)
Well.. Everyone is unique in their own ways.. What the most important thing is blood donation.. They say if you donate money, you give food.. but if you donate blood, you give life.. 

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Best Salaried Job in Malaysia?

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakhbar..

Had just finished reading an article from Yahoo News Malaysia.. Guess what..?


MBA (International Business) Part II

Alhamdulillah.. Subhanallah.. Allahuakhbar..

Three months had passed since the last entry for my World of Wisdom.. So time for updating my WOW.. Undeniable truth.. Time flies fast.. I had been back at USM since three weeks ago and had already started my second semester as MBA (International Business) student for the passed two weeks... 

Same with the last semester, this new semester also has five subjects enrolled which are..
  • Corporate Strategy
  • International Business Management
  • International Financial Management
  • International Trade
  • Research Methodology

What about last semester result? huhuhu.. (T_T) 

Enough reward from Allah for the efforts.. Thank you Allah..
*sigh* this semester must double and triple the efforts.. 

Let bygones be bygones.. time to move forward.. 

This semester, a research proposal has to be done prior before the project management subject next semester.. Guess what? This project management is a two-semester-subject.. In other word, it will take a year to be completed. The most interesting part is that for MBA-IB student, the first half year which is a semester or equivalent to approximately six months will be conducting abroad - foreign country.

(^_^) already sent the application form to USM International Office for nomination at University of Western Australia.. very nervous and full of worries.. to be updated again soon.. huhu.. this will be my first time ever to go beyond Malaysia borderline..